Local Flower Shop News
Jasmine Rae Floral Design offers flowers and more at new main street shop - Eagle News Online
Wednesday, March 31, 2021I can’t wait to gain more over time.”Born in Syracuse, Rae moved to southern California with her mother at the age of four, returning to CNY each year to visit family and friends.The florist discovered her interest in design at the age of 20 while working at a beachside hotel in California.“We would receive a beautiful floral arrangement for the lobby weekly, and something just clicked in me that designing was something I wanted to pursue,” she said. “From there I traveled to LA and San Francisco, taking course after course on designing and also working in shops and design studios. Over the past 10 years I’ve lived in four different states, always with the same career and end goal in mind.”After deciding to settle down in Central New York to be near her family, Rae began searching for a perfect location to open a shop.“I found it here, in the heart of Cazenovia,” she said. “The amount of creativity and support in this community is so inspiring and something I am very excited to be a part of.”For more information, visit the Jasmine Rae Floral Design Facebook page, or call 315-815-5043. Related ... https://eaglenewsonline.com/new/business/2021/03/15/jasmine-rae-floral-design-offers-flowers-and-more-at-new-main-street-shop/
Bloomin’ good: Clinton florist business is awards finalist - 100 Mile House Free Press
Wednesday, March 31, 2021I’m still trying to make heads or tails out of it. I’ve never been very good at honouring myself, but I’m very proud, and very thankful, to whoever nominated me.”Lawrence began working at a florist shop in Prince Rupert when she was 14, and continued until she went off to college for theatre school. At that point, she put flowers aside, but found they kept coming back to her: “I did my own wedding flowers, and flowers for friends.” Finally, at her mother’s encouragement, she decided to go for it, and Bubbles’ Blossom Design was born in time for Mother’s Day 2018.When Lawrence and her husband Jordan moved to Clinton in October 2016, she realized a florist shop was something the area needed.“At first I thought I’d research it for a couple of years, see how it goes, see how much interest there was, but then I decided just to jump in and do it. If an opportunity comes along you jump in with both feet.”READ MORE: Clinton hires new Chief Administrative OfficerShe says that the overhead was low: “I bought a used cooler and a couple of buckets, so it was an easy thing to do.” Until recently she worked out of her kitchen and dining-room, but last year an extension was added to the back of their house at the corner of Dewdney Avenue and Cariboo Highway for a small storefront.Lawrence nearly sold out of flowers that first Mother’s Day, and she says that the support from the community has been incredible. “It was a great initial reception, and I have the best customers. It was all by word of mouth and Facebook.”The business has since expanded beyond Clinton, with Lawrence delivering orders to Cache Creek and Ashcroft.“My end goal is to have ... https://www.100milefreepress.net/news/bloomin-good-clinton-florist-business-is-awards-finalist/
Have You Spotted the Giant Floral Displays Popping Up Around the City? - Pittsburgh Magazine
Wednesday, March 31, 2021A mother of three boys who previously worked for Tommy Hilfiger and Dolce & Gabbana, Dickson says she came up with the idea for the installations after seeing florist Lewis Miller Design’s “Flower Flash” project in New York City. In February, she installed her first display, wrapping garlands of flowers around the columns of Shadyside’s Family House — which provides a “home away from home” for patients and their families seeking medical treatment in Pittsburgh. “To all of the healthcare workers and all of the patients and their families, this one’s for you!” Dickson wrote on Instagram of the project. Later that month, she spruced up her hometown area, coating a light pole and corner on Brilliant Avenue in Aspinwall with flowers. In early March, she struck again, creating an enormous bouquet atop a recycling bin on Penn Avenue and 21st Street in the Strip District. Beside the display, she used sidewalk chalk to quote French artist Henri Matisse’s famous line, “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” Dickson told the Post-Gazette the recycling can project was particularly inspired because the already-cut flowers — from supplier BW Wholesale Florist in the Strip District — would have been thrown away had she not repurposed them. If you missed any of the installations, your chances of catching one have not wilted. The pop-up displays will continue to sprout up across the city, possibly through April, Dickson says — and suggestions as to where are welcome. To follow along, visit Fox and the Fleur’s instagram account here. ... https://www.pittsburghmagazine.com/have-you-spotted-the-giant-floral-displays-popping-up-around-the-city/
Orlando florist hurt by COVID-19 hopes business blooms for Mother’s Day - WKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
Wednesday, March 31, 2021ORLANDO, Fla. – Mother’s Day weekend is a time when many people purchase flowers for their moms, but an Orlando florist said increased holiday sales may not be enough to help an industry that saw a lot of business disappear during the coronavirus pandemic.The sounds of customers coming and going are welcomed by Bay Hill Florist owner Carol Newton.Newton said she opened the doors to her business on Monday for the first time in more than a month. Her store was closed for a week after the statewide stay-at-home order was enforced, but she later reopened her business to offer deliveries only.Still she said the COVID-19 pandemic is wilting her business. Newton said she lost 95% of her sales.“We lost an awful lot of business with Disney, Universal, the hotels and restaurants in the area. It was very tough,” Newton said.She is hoping her business will bloom now that the state is slowly reopening.Newton said this time of the year is usually busy for her store. With Mother’s Day this weekend, she said she is seeing more customers come into the shop to buy flowers or place orders online and by the phone. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2020/05/06/orlando-florist-hurt-by-covid-19-hopes-business-blooms-for-mothers-day/
After the shooting, a boy gave flowers to workers at King Soopers stores near the attack - The Washington Post
Wednesday, March 31, 2021He purchased dozens of carnations in a variety of bright colors and paid for them with money he earned from dog-walking. When JJ told the florist his plan to give a flower to every store employee, she offered him a generous discount.That’s when he turned to his mother and excitedly said, “kindness is spreading!” Witmer recalled.They did several laps around the supermarket and handed out one flower to every employee. With each flower, JJ shared an earnest message.“We just wanted to let you know you’re appreciated. Thank you for being here today. It must be hard,” he said to each employee.“At first, I was a little bit timid because I wasn’t sure how they would react,” JJ said.But then he saw that employees instantly responded with overwhelming gratitude.“They were really thankful. Lots of them were crying and giving me first bumps and air hugs,” JJ said. “It made me feel so good. I was filled with joy and happiness.”While chatting with the store employees, “they said they were kind of scared to go do their job,” JJ added. “I think we made the right decision because it made a lot of people feel good.”Although Witmer followed closely behind her son, “I just stood in the background and let him do his thing,” she said. “This was his idea, and I was just there to support him.”After about 45 minutes in the store, they moved on to another King Soopers location in Reunion, a community in Commerce City, which is where the Witmer family usually gets their groceries.“We know most of the employees there,” JJ said.He purchased three dozen red roses that the store’s florist also offered at a heavily discounted price. Again, he circled the supermarket, handing out flowers to every employee in sight.“He even waited for a staff meeting to end so he wouldn’t miss anybody,” Witmer said.Marsha Esparza-Barnabe, 58, who works in the pharmacy at the Commerce City King Soopers, was surprised when JJ approached her with a rose.The atmosphere in the store was “very somber,” she said. “Everybody was talking about [the shooting], and it was just very sad. It could have been our store.”Then JJ appeared, rose in hand.The small gesture of kindness was so overwhelming, Esparza-Barnabe said, that “I actually turned and walked to the back and cried.”Not far away, in the baking aisle of the supermarket, Zerelda Todd — a King Soopers employee of 46 years — was on her knees, stocking the shelves with tubes of frosting.“All of a sudden, I heard this quiet voice go ‘Ma’am,' ” Todd, 64, said. ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/03/25/king-soopers-shooting-flowers-colorado/
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