Local Flower Shop News
Pasadena florist: Orders reflect people’s isolation in pandemic - Houston Chronicle
Wednesday, March 31, 2021After more than 30 years in the floral business, the owner of The Enchanted Florist in Pasadena says she has always taken the meaning behind a flower arrangement to heart, whether it is celebratory and hopeful, grieving or regretful. This year, those messages and greetings have been influenced by a pandemic that has kept loved ones from attending funeral and memorial services, weddings and birthday gatherings. “It seems like the notes on the cards are longer these days,” she said. “People try to get what they’re feeling all in one order.” On HoustonChronicle.com: Houston, Harris County deploy new strategies in effort to boost COVID-19 vaccinations The Enchanted Florist has operated via no-contact curbside delivery or by appointment only. Address: 4416 Fairmont Pkwy #104, Pasadena.Website:enchantedfloristpasadena.comPhone: 832-850-7677 See MoreCollapse The shop has experienced ebbs and flows that reflect COVID trends and venue restrictions, but business has been good. “During March and April, all the weddings were postponed,... https://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighborhood/pasadena/news/article/Pasadena-florist-Orders-reflect-people-s-15896107.php
Bloomin’ good: Clinton florist business is awards finalist - 100 Mile House Free Press
Wednesday, March 31, 2021I’m still trying to make heads or tails out of it. I’ve never been very good at honouring myself, but I’m very proud, and very thankful, to whoever nominated me.”Lawrence began working at a florist shop in Prince Rupert when she was 14, and continued until she went off to college for theatre school. At that point, she put flowers aside, but found they kept coming back to her: “I did my own wedding flowers, and flowers for friends.” Finally, at her mother’s encouragement, she decided to go for it, and Bubbles’ Blossom Design was born in time for Mother’s Day 2018.When Lawrence and her husband Jordan moved to Clinton in October 2016, she realized a florist shop was something the area needed.“At first I thought I’d research it for a couple of years, see how it goes, see how much interest there was, but then I decided just to jump in and do it. If an opportunity comes along you jump in with both feet.”READ MORE: Clinton hires new Chief Administrative OfficerShe says that the overhead was low: “I bought a used cooler and a couple of buckets, so it was an easy thing to do.” Until recently she worked out of her kitchen and dining-room, but last year an extension was added to the back of their house at the corner of Dewdney Avenue and Cariboo Highway for a small storefront.Lawrence nearly sold out of flowers that first Mother’s Day, and she says that the support from the community has been incredible. “It was a great initial reception, and I have the best customers. It was all by word of mouth and Facebook.”The business has since expanded beyond Clinton, with Lawrence delivering orders to Cache Creek and Ashcroft.“My end goal is to have ... https://www.100milefreepress.net/news/bloomin-good-clinton-florist-business-is-awards-finalist/
Florists keep busy during pandemic | News, Sports, Jobs - Minot Daily News
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Chrest said.Chrest said although the position can be demanding, one of her most meaningful goals as a florist is to make each customer smile.“It’s a lot of hard work, especially during those extremely long days; But the results achieved at the end of the day are advantageous,” she said.The same went for Niki Nygaard of Flower Central in Minot as her business has been busy during the pandemic since people are steadily sending flowers and plants to their loved ones. “During the week of Mother’s Day, I stood on my feet for over 80 hours designing flowers,” said Nygaard. “Being a florist is fun as it keeps you busy, but it’s very demanding as the holidays are crazy.”When operating during non-holidays, Flower Central regularly staffs nine employees. During holidays Nygaard said she fluctuates due to high demand. To meet the needs of the customers, she employs 16 workers to have more hands available for deliveries and curbside assistance. For example, in the week of Mother’s Day, she had six vans running concurrently each day to help deliver to customers.Following strict guidelines during the pandemic, Flower Center has limited the shop to two to three customers inside at a time. Upon arrival, if customers decline curbside assistance, they are offered rubber gloves or hand sanitizer before entering the shop.“We have to change how we do things now and then,” said Nygaard. “Like when we hand out deliveries, we call ahead to have the customers meet us at the door. We set down the order on their doorstep, so there’s no hand-to-hand contact.”Flower Centrals’ hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m to 5 p.m.Flower Central, Peony Petals Floral & Gifts and Perfect Petals are gearing up for Memorial Day and the festivities of graduations. Each shop is up and running and ready to deliver special requests for the desired families. Jill Schramm/MDNThrivent Action Team volunteer Abby Haff carries a load of items from a motel room Saturday during cleanup of the grounds and buildings at 1901 S. Broadway, the site of the future Broadway Circle project. Submitted PhotoA B-52 bomber from Minot Air Force Base will fly over medical facilities in Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks and Minot today for an Air Force Salute to essential workers. Photo by Airman 1st Class Jesse Jenny. Submitted photoIn preparation for Memorial Day next Monday, a Wall of Honor display was erected at the bell tower this past weekend in Rosehill Memorial Park that lists more than 400 names of those who have participated in the annual Wreaths Across America since 2014. A statue of a soldier kneeling by a cross is shown in front of the wall. dt class="gallery-icon lan... https://www.minotdailynews.com/life/business/2020/05/florists-keep-busy-during-pandemic/
How to care for gifted Easter flowers - WTOP
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Soon, it will be time to hit your local florist or grocery store to pick out flowers for your holiday celebration — whether you’re seeing someone in person, or simply dropping off well wishes.This year, florists have seen more curbside deliveries and loose flowers as gifts, opposed to traditional centerpiece orders for family dinner tables, but the desire for customary flowers like Easter lilies, tulips and hyacinths has not changed.“Potted Easter lilies and tulips are very popular this time of year,” said Missy Willson, owner of My Enchanted Florist in Sandy Spring, Maryland. “Stock flowers in lavenders, pinks and soft pastel shades are also popular. It’s a very fragrant flower and the colors are perfect for Easter.”Willson said if you end up with potted lilies, they like to be in bright light, but they need to be kept in a cool area.“The soil should be dry to the touch — because if you overwater them, you’ll kill the plant. Leaves will start to turn yellow and then they start to die.”Other popular flowers available for Easter include daffodils, hyacinth, grape hyacin... https://wtop.com/holidays/2021/03/how-to-care-for-gifted-easter-flowers/
Country in Bloom budding with business confidence, despite COVID-19 - Sherwood Park News
Wednesday, March 31, 2021Country in Bloom, a floral shop and home decor store, which opened in November. Owner Karlee Smith previously worked in the wedding industry as a wedding coordinator and florist. Her intention was to have a pop-up shop for two months to test the waters, but with 95 per cent of its Christmas stock sold, her customers have given her the support to press forward for another six months. “I was super-nervous to open. We didn’t know what restrictions would come, when they would happen, or when things would change, so it was extremely nerve-wracking,” Smith told The News. “But I thought amidst the pandemic, why not take the plunge? I thought, let’s take a chance and see where I can go from here.” Her business partner is her mother-in-law, Sandra Lavorato Hipkin, who comes with the local fame of running Mulberry Manor, a home-based giftware and home decor business that was set up in her basement in the rural county. Advertisement Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content source data-srcset="https://smartcdn.prod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/flowers-1.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=472&type=jpg, https://smartcdn.prod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/202... https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/news/country-in-bloom-budding-with-business-confidence-despite-covid-19
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