Local Flower Shop News
Fayetteville florist delivers flowers to families for soldiers overseas - WTVD-TV
Wednesday, March 31, 2021FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- As floral shops scramble to prepare and deliver orders for Valentine's Day, one Fayetteville flower shop is bringing smiles from loved stationed overseas.Owens Florist says they will fulfill up to 300 orders on Valentine's Day alone of both local and orders coming from deployed Fort Bragg soldiers.The shop's owner, Barbara Colman, said it's a special way to help soldiers stay in touch with their loved ones, even when they are far away from home."There's a lot of preparation, a lot of orders for flowers that need to be placed months ahead of time," said Colman.For the full staff on hand, it's more than just a busy flower delivery day."We love just giving that hometown feel that they aren't that far away. Because they can call us and order online we can just make their spouse happy during this difficult time," said Colman.Barbara says those needing last-minute bouquets might be out of luck, by the end of the day, the shop plans to sell out of all the Valentine's Day arrangements. https://abc11.com/owens-florist-barbara-colman-fayetteville-flower-shops/5931865/
Why Small Businesses Matter in Fairfield: Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop - HamletHub
Wednesday, March 31, 2021We insist on quality and are dedicated to providing our clients with unparalleled customer service. We are a full-service florist and you can order flowers online 24/7 from our website!How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?We support our neighbor Posters Hardware and Lapolla Insurance Agency. Another local business that should be noted would be Lapolla Insurance Agency.Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop is located at 2151 Black Rock Turnpike in Fairfield. Visit Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop online here, and make sure to check out their Facebook page as well!HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!... https://news.hamlethub.com/fairfield/places/49987-why-small-businesses-matter-blossoms-at-dailey-s-flower-shop
FOX13 celebrates Mid-South’s oldest Black-owned flower shop - FOX13 Memphis
Wednesday, March 31, 2021ALL MONTH LONG, FOX13 WILL BE CELEBRATING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. WE HAVE AN ENTIRE SECTION DEDICATED TO THEIR STORIES. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.FOX13's Lauren Coleman chose Mason’s Florist, one of the oldest Black-owned flower shops in Memphis.Tucked in the 3100 Block of Park Avenue in East Memphis is a flower shop, but it’s not just any shop.Mason’s Florist is one of the oldest Black-owned flower shops in the Mid-South.“We are a full-service flower shop,” designer and driver Patricia Williams said.“We do flowers for all occasions: funerals, weddings, get-well, anniversaries. We are just all-around florists.”From eight in the morning to five in the evening, the family is hard at work pumping out on average more than 200 orders a week.“We work as a team, and we know that we are here to offer a service,” Williams said.“We get our orders together, and everybody knows whatever their role is.”The shop opened in June of 1977 and has been in the family for more than 40 years.The store now sits in its third location.“My mom worked for Newman Florist on Lamar for many years,” Williams explained.“She envisioned having her own business, and she started out down on Park in that little strip mall. That’s where she started, and it expanded from there.”Ninety-one-year-old Irene Mason said it’s amazing to see her shop become a staple in t... https://www.fox13memphis.com/rss-snd/fox13-celebrates-mid-souths-oldest-black-owned-flower-shop/R3BNVAL3VZH5RFFW4GWC7PVW7I/
Bloomin’ good: Clinton florist business is awards finalist - 100 Mile House Free Press
Wednesday, March 31, 2021I’m still trying to make heads or tails out of it. I’ve never been very good at honouring myself, but I’m very proud, and very thankful, to whoever nominated me.”Lawrence began working at a florist shop in Prince Rupert when she was 14, and continued until she went off to college for theatre school. At that point, she put flowers aside, but found they kept coming back to her: “I did my own wedding flowers, and flowers for friends.” Finally, at her mother’s encouragement, she decided to go for it, and Bubbles’ Blossom Design was born in time for Mother’s Day 2018.When Lawrence and her husband Jordan moved to Clinton in October 2016, she realized a florist shop was something the area needed.“At first I thought I’d research it for a couple of years, see how it goes, see how much interest there was, but then I decided just to jump in and do it. If an opportunity comes along you jump in with both feet.”READ MORE: Clinton hires new Chief Administrative OfficerShe says that the overhead was low: “I bought a used cooler and a couple of buckets, so it was an easy thing to do.” Until recently she worked out of her kitchen and dining-room, but last year an extension was added to the back of their house at the corner of Dewdney Avenue and Cariboo Highway for a small storefront.Lawrence nearly sold out of flowers that first Mother’s Day, and she says that the support from the community has been incredible. “It was a great initial reception, and I have the best customers. It was all by word of mouth and Facebook.”The business has since expanded beyond Clinton, with Lawrence delivering orders to Cache Creek and Ashcroft.“My end goal is to have ... https://www.100milefreepress.net/news/bloomin-good-clinton-florist-business-is-awards-finalist/
The Bouquet Farm blooms in the Fraser Valley - Vancouver Sun
Wednesday, March 31, 2021English says with a laugh. “My grandfather was a greenhouse grower and they had a wholesale floral industry. And my dad took over a portion, so I worked for him. … And then my mom was also a florist.” Her father eventually sold the floral arm of the family business connected to Houweling Nurseries, where English continued to work after the sale. But, when the floral company closed down, forcing English to lose her job — an event that coincided with a breast cancer diagnosis — she took some time to focus on herself. And then, she got right back into the growing game. source data-srcset="https://smartcdn.prod.postmedia.digital/vancouversun/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/258982965-1227_feat_bouquet_farm_1-s.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=472&type=jpg, https://smartcdn.prod.postmed... https://vancouversun.com/homes/gardening/the-bouquet-farm-blooms-in-the-fraser-valley
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