Local Flower Shop News
Why Small Businesses Matter in Fairfield: Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop - HamletHub
Wednesday, March 31, 2021We insist on quality and are dedicated to providing our clients with unparalleled customer service. We are a full-service florist and you can order flowers online 24/7 from our website!How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?We support our neighbor Posters Hardware and Lapolla Insurance Agency. Another local business that should be noted would be Lapolla Insurance Agency.Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop is located at 2151 Black Rock Turnpike in Fairfield. Visit Blossoms at Dailey's Flower Shop online here, and make sure to check out their Facebook page as well!HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!... https://news.hamlethub.com/fairfield/places/49987-why-small-businesses-matter-blossoms-at-dailey-s-flower-shop
Melbourne Florists Feel the Force of the Pandemic - PRNewswire
Wednesday, March 31, 2021MELBOURNE, Australia, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- One industry that has been severely affected by prolonged and snap lockdowns is Australia's florists. Local Melbourne flower shops, such as Amazing Graze Flowers, have been forced to discard blooms they could have otherwise sold.Continue ReadingFlower Delivery in MelbourneWhile other industries have also been affected, the florist industry, in particular, is a slave to the nature of its product. Once flowers have been cut, they have a short shelf-life where they either need to be sold or discarded. Lockdowns have put Amazing Graze Flowers and many florists into a less-than-desirable situation as they were forced to get rid of stock ordered in anticipation of flower delivery in Melbourne.The halt of events and weddings also had repercussions for local florists, reducing one of their most profitable revenue streams for close to a year. Now that gatherings are permitted, there are those who are making big orders again. However, local florists say that many have decreased their budget for flowers, opting to have a scaled-back version of the event they'd once imagined.On the other... https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/melbourne-florists-feel-the-force-of-the-pandemic-301243018.html
The Bouquet Farm blooms in the Fraser Valley - Vancouver Sun
Wednesday, March 31, 2021English says with a laugh. “My grandfather was a greenhouse grower and they had a wholesale floral industry. And my dad took over a portion, so I worked for him. … And then my mom was also a florist.” Her father eventually sold the floral arm of the family business connected to Houweling Nurseries, where English continued to work after the sale. But, when the floral company closed down, forcing English to lose her job — an event that coincided with a breast cancer diagnosis — she took some time to focus on herself. And then, she got right back into the growing game. source data-srcset="https://smartcdn.prod.postmedia.digital/vancouversun/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/258982965-1227_feat_bouquet_farm_1-s.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=472&type=jpg, https://smartcdn.prod.postmed... https://vancouversun.com/homes/gardening/the-bouquet-farm-blooms-in-the-fraser-valley
Pasadena florist: Orders reflect people’s isolation in pandemic - Houston Chronicle
Wednesday, March 31, 2021After more than 30 years in the floral business, the owner of The Enchanted Florist in Pasadena says she has always taken the meaning behind a flower arrangement to heart, whether it is celebratory and hopeful, grieving or regretful. This year, those messages and greetings have been influenced by a pandemic that has kept loved ones from attending funeral and memorial services, weddings and birthday gatherings. “It seems like the notes on the cards are longer these days,” she said. “People try to get what they’re feeling all in one order.” On HoustonChronicle.com: Houston, Harris County deploy new strategies in effort to boost COVID-19 vaccinations The Enchanted Florist has operated via no-contact curbside delivery or by appointment only. Address: 4416 Fairmont Pkwy #104, Pasadena.Website:enchantedfloristpasadena.comPhone: 832-850-7677 See MoreCollapse The shop has experienced ebbs and flows that reflect COVID trends and venue restrictions, but business has been good. “During March and April, all the weddings were postponed,... https://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighborhood/pasadena/news/article/Pasadena-florist-Orders-reflect-people-s-15896107.php
The Best Florist at the Jersey Shore is... - 943thepoint.com
Wednesday, March 31, 2021It's time to welcome the first business into our Cupid Club celebrating those working hard to make Valentine's Day special in Monmouth and Ocean counties.Earlier this week, we had dozens of area florists drum up their base and help them earn a place in our exclusive club.The reaction was amazing! After thousands of votes on our free APP, congratulations to Whiting Flower Shoppe in Whiting!Here's a look at our top 5 finalists.Townsquare MediaI called Tracy Vincent of Whiting Flower Shoppe to deliver the good news!In an email, Tracy confirmed what we already knew. They love serving the community.We are a small mom and pop and love our community. We deliver smiles daily and we also teach flower design classes at libraries and local nursing homes in Ocean County. Any extra time or money we make goes back into helping rescue and saving animals! In these changing and difficult times, we love making and delivering flowers even more! We thank you so much.Take a look at some of the artistry of Tracy and her staff at Whitting Floral Shoppe.WHITING FLORAL SHOPPEWhiting Floral Shoppe is located in the Crestwood Shopping Center on Route 530 in Whiting. Tracy and her staff are busy ge... https://943thepoint.com/best-florist-at-the-jersey-shore-whiting-floral-shoppe/
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